Ink & Equipment
Each bottle of INTENZE Ink contains the science and soul of tattoo. And that’s not just fancy marketing speak.
We always have been, and always will be, artists. It’s the lens we see our work through. As artists, we set
out to create a product that made us better. And as artists, we took a long look at where tattoo started as
well as where it’s headed. The way we see it, ink is connected to potential. Always has been. Always will be.
And the higher the quality of ink, the higher quality tattoos we can create. Sound too lofty? Absolutely. But
achieving the unimaginable is why we come to work every day. Anything else is just white noise. Artists should
know what goes into their ink. The same goes for customers. Both deserve to work with, and use, a product that
creates the best tattoos in the safest formulations possible.
Tattoo Machines
At Finkglas Tattoo Shop we stock a wide range from new and innovative rotary tattoo machines to traditional
coil tattoo machines. Our range of professional tattoo machines are chosen based on their performance and
comfort. This allows us to produce best work with any colouring, lining or shading done comfortably with
accuracy and precision. FinkglasTattoo Shop stock some of the most popular professional tattoo machines in
the industry, with the latest tattoo machines from known brands such as Sabre, FK Irons, Cheyenne Hawk,
Hercules, EZ Avant and T2 Rotary.
Tattoo Removal Tool
In our shop for tattoo removal we use the Candela PicoWay. The Candela PicoWay has proven to cause less
damage to tissue than any other laser on the market. The PicoWay is especially effective at treating
resistant red and black ink. The PicoWay delivers extremely short picosecond pulses of energy to the tissue.
These burst of energy break up ink into tiny particles that are easily passed out of the body through the
lymphatic system with minimal damage to surrounding tissues.