First 12 hours.

Immediately after the session - remove my compress (at least 4 hours later, at most 12 hours) and thoroughly rinse the tattoo with fingertips under running warm water with baby soap. Fingers lather to the foam and rinse, do not need to rub much. Then dry (again, do not rub!) with a high-quality paper towel. Then grease the tattoo with a thin layer of Bepanten-plus cream and roll it into a cling film. If you removed my first compress before going to bed, then leave your compress for the whole night until morning. If you removed my compress only in the morning, then go on to the next paragraph.

Next Day.

The day following the day of the session - in the morning remove the compress and repeat the procedure described earlier. After 1-2 hours, again, in the same way, wash the tattoo with running water and soap, dry it with a towel and apply it with a thin layer of Bepanten Plus cream. On the day following the day of the session, repeat this procedure at least 7-10 times a day (the more the better) every 1-2 hours. Every time, be sure to wash off the previous layer of cream and secretions with soap, which should not be allowed to dry.

First two nights.

During the first 2 nights, be sure to roll the tattoo in an absorbent diaper (or cling film) and carefully make sure that the freshly applied tattoo does not “stick” to other parts of your (or someone else’s) body, otherwise it may “stick together”, become steamy and everything will go down the drain. On the third day, observe the tattoo for discharge and, if not, then the film is no longer needed at night. The tattoo should always be moistened with Bepanten Plus.

Following days.

In the following days - repeat the procedure for washing the tattoo less intensively (two to three times a day will be enough, you can simply combine the washing of the tattoo with morning and evening showers), but smear it with cream as it soaks up the previously applied layer so that it always remains hydrated. You need to wash the tattoo until the sucrose ceases to stand out, you will feel it - the discharge will stop and the tattoo will dry out (usually this happens on the second or third day after application). From now on, simply apply the tattoo with cream and do not wash it purposefully (when you take a shower, of course, you can wash the tattoo, gently foam it and wash it off, without fanaticism). For 5-7 days, the tattoo will peel off (with proper care, a thin layer of scab will peel off, as after an excess of sun tan) and itch strongly - it means it heals perfectly - do not scratch, do not pick, you can stroke with your fingertips.


  • If on the first day after application it is not possible to wash the tattoo regularly, then simply roll the tattoo in an absorbent diaper (for example, while working or walking), thoroughly lubricating it with Bepanten Plus cream before. As soon as possible, remove the compress, rinse everything, apply cream again and, if possible, go without a compress so that the skin breathes. In such a compress, walk no more than 8 hours.
  • Always make sure that the non-healing tattoo is not rubbed with cloth (especially synthetic), belts, etc.
  • Protect your tattoo from dust and dirt.
  • To complete healing of the tattoo (7-10 days): do not go to saunas, baths, steam rooms, do not steam the tattoo in hot baths, do not consume alcohol drinks (especially beer!).
  • It is advisable to abandon heavy lifting sports for the first 5-7 days.
  • Do not expose a non-healing tattoo under the sun or visit a solarium.
  • In the future, throughout of the life, I recommend using sunscreen with a high degree of protection (50 units or more). You can apply them only on the tattoo itself.
  • After the 10th day of treatment with a healing cream, I recommend changing it to a normal child
Safety brochure